Buy Used Portable Storage Containers in Winnipeg

Purchase used portable storage containers in Winnipeg, MB.
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Quality Inspected

Purchase a pre-owned portable storage container in excellent condition at a fraction of the cost of new. We thoroughly inspect each used container prior to sale ensuring structural integrity. Units are cleaned, serviced, and fitted with new locks before delivery.

Our used containers offer the same secure steel construction without the premium price. All used units meet our stringent quality standards designed to deliver reliable performance and longevity. Expect years of service from a gently used container.

Flexible Buying Process

Our hassle-free process makes buying a used storage container simple. We'll walk you through options to identify the ideal used unit based on your requirements and budget. Enjoy free delivery in Winnipeg when purchasing a used container.

Give us a call to learn more about our available selection of quality used portable storage containers ready for purchase. Take advantage of huge savings buying used.

Make Space with Portable Storage Containers

Our innovative, portable storage solutions allow you to easily access your storage, whether for household items, furniture, etc. and provide secure and customizable on-site storage space when you need it most. Rent portable storage units for easy and affordable extra capacity during renovations, events, business growth and more. Get in touch today to learn how our portable storage containers can help you start safely storing and accessing belongings, inventory, equipment, and materials.
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Affordable Used Containers

Invest in a secure used portable storage container at a significant value. We thoroughly inspect every pre-owned unit prior to listing to ensure excellent condition. Buy an affordable used container delivered to your location without delay.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday, SundayClosed